Rogaland kunstsenter, Stavanger 2022 The Living Unliving Surveillance Poet visiting Rogaland Kunstsenter in Stavanger, February 2022. A pop-up exhibition with posters, transformation-cards and screening of all 7 episodes + Crayon Workshop; communal drawing turned out...

Gitte & Frans present:

Anmeldelse av utstillingen Cosmology – Gitte Sætre og Frans Jacobi, Small Projects, 04.12.2021 – 19.12.2021, Tromsø Utstillingen Cosmology er sjelegransking som vil menneskeheten vel, skapt av to kunstnere som ønsker å ekspandere vår bevissthet om kjærlighet og...

Global Coastline Rebellion
February the 4th the Global South and the Global North came together to fight against corporate power and their ecological crimes. The big companies and the politics making it today impossible to reach the goals to prevent a climate collapse. AreyouReady.tv is proud...

an exhibition at Small Projects in Tromsø https://youtu.be/f0o6JoeXqRk December 4th to 19th The exhibition Cosmology at Small Projects presents the hybrid tv-series Are You Ready? with a special focus on the cosmological thought-system behind the project. Are You...

Scenes from a Marriage
Hybrids Season 2. Episode 2. Sunday the 21th of November at 2PM. Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo The artist couple Gitte Sætre & Frans Jacobi are often confused and lost in their attempts to act as they preach about the green transition. I, The Living Unliving...

Real Wold Problem
Are You Ready? Hybrids Season 2. Episode 1. At Office of Emergency, Copenhagen. Part of Voices of Pythia a performance by: The Living Unliving Surveillance Poet produced by: gitte sætre & frans jacobi...

Are You Ready? at Bergen Fringe Festival
From the 2nd of September to the 5th of September, all seven episodes will be screened in a Mongolian yurt outside Corner Theatre in Bergen. Apropos Theater has invited Are You Ready? to come. In addition to the screening Apropos Theater will host a four-day UTOPI...

Climate Conference
What influence do you have as an artist, musician, or designer? This conference asked the students at KMD who want to explore what opportunities humans have to contribute positively to the green transformation. Art, music, and design have a significant impact on...

Review by Matthias Hvass Borello

Ressurrected after 24.000 years: another living unliving

Episode 7; Yes
How are you doing? Do you understand this project? I know it is easy to fall out and lose concentration. But please stay with me throughout the last episode. Discussing my two favorite verbs, cleaning and worlding. If you find that a bit scary, don’t… I am a caring...

Susanne Christensen writes about Are You Ready?
At hyle af månen for Wittgenstein / Susanne Christensen Are you ready? Gitte Sætre og Frans Jacobi Webserie i 7 episoder https://www.areyouready.tv Jeg var overbevist om at det kunne lade sig gøre. Mit kamera er ikke verdens bedste, men heller ikke verdens dårligste....

Golden Repair
I am proud of how I managed to turn myself into a bullet and crack the world open in the last episode of Are You Ready? I made the world enter a time of Golden Repair, and that is not bad! Time is a tool to prevent you from destroying the planet entirely....

Love as a Political concept
Dear The All Ready ready and the yet to come, I must be in love - everything is vibrating and smells so strong.Love happened on my mission to open up coexisting temporalities. Like vegan sharks, Ca Conrad and I danced in interspecies joy and companionship. We floated...

Pushed to the surface for the purpose of transformation
Member of The All Ready, Razan Hishim presents 'Are You Ready?' https://youtu.be/Lfo9ejv8Ieo

Primal Therapy
Since humanity left the savannahs, we have acted as the aggressive rulers of the earth, despite our physical inferiority to nature. Up to now, we have been succeeding through our technology and intelligence. Throughout history, myths and fables are building on the...

Long nights and wondrous stories
My dear fellow friends, since we last spoke days have been spent looking for the Faculty of Humanities. It started by me hailing a taxi and ended up on the dancefloor. I´m not in your inbox to tell you how it is going to end. Hell no, I came to tell you how it will...

Bonus Material to episode 2: Who has the power to include?
In the episode 2 of Are You Ready? we saw Frans & Gitte going through a process of self reflection regarding the panel dicussion 'Who has the power to include?'. This is the streaming documentation. The panel was initiated by Oi! Collecive and was moderated by...

Things said about the moon
'The moon is the object of scientific study, but it is also above all the domain of the imagination. Humans looks up and makes up stories: nearly all cultures have myths, gods or rituals associated with the moon –Life is enriched by the ideas of how the moon affects...

Bruise Magazine on Are You Ready?
Are you ready Television? by MALOU SOLFJELD A tree has been soaked in the philosophy of Wittgenstein for decades, learning a new language to be able to speak with humans. In the online TV-channel, areyouready.tv, we follow the conversation between Wittgenstein’s...

Panel discussion
Panel discussion between the Living Unliving Surveillance Poet, Frans Jacobi and Maud Ceuterick. Presented at Latent City, 2020, Bergen Centre for Electronic Arts/Future DiverCities. https://youtu.be/9EMZ4wdEi8E Video documentation: Paul Johannessen/Jonas Skarmark

Performative Chant
The Living Unliving Surveillance Poet had a performance entitled 'Yesterday and today the energy in the cosmos is extremely intensive (especially yesterday) to the point that it’s affecting our physical body, so' The performatie chant interfered with the...

The All Ready Community
Creating and sharing is a sensitive business for the soul. Creative overload can also be burdensome and knackering to watch. Therefore, we are so VERY VERY pleased to experience the immense joy of being well received. Only days after the premiere of the first episode...

Gitte and Frans about their work
https://youtu.be/7679tnh7Bfc In this preamble to AREYOUREADY.TV, Frans Jacobi and Gitte Sætre tell stories about The Living Unliving Surveillance Poet, the TV series origins, and each artist speaks or introduces their own practices and the background of creative...

Man on the Moon
On the 12thof September 1962, the eyes of the world looked to the moon and the planets beyond. The goal was to land on the moon and return safely to the Earth. Today the goal is to make humans commit themselves to listen to the moon and commit to the wellbeing of...

Facts in prime time
We are said to be living in a fake news area, where confidence in media weakens. I really don't hope that you experience this as pure fiction. Even though some artistic liberties have been taken in the editing room I hope it is easy to spot the difference between art...

Black Lives Matter
I, The Living Unliving Surveillance Poet, stand in solidarity with the black community and those calling for justice in the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and countless others. It is undeniable that black, brown, indigenous and people of color...


Think for a moment
Think for a moment... think for a moment, and consider that in just a handful of soil, there are more living organisms than there are stars in our galaxy. And deep down in the crust of the Earth there are ancient organisms, tiny cells, buried alive, just sitting...